and the story goes..

galuh’s story and her world..

Silaturahmi to Karawang February 4, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — galuhbening @ 4:27 pm

Today, my business trip brought me to Karawang. This was my first time to visit office in Karawang and meet some people that I’ve known there only from email or phone call before. One of the purposes of this business trip is to get to know each other – work partners from division office and area office.

It was a nice meeting with them. They welcomed us warmly, and we enjoyed having discussion of works and what we have to do next. If people is supporting and encouraging each other, people will happier to do the job, and the task to be done feels lighter than before. Because we believe that somebody else will help us. We won’t walk alone the journey.

That’s the miracle of silaturahmi. We get to know each other. And that will lessen the chance of miscommunication and misunderstanding. We won’t hesitate to contact our partners, and they won’t either. It’s also strengthen the bonding of the good relationship we’d already have. And last but not least, it is a way to open the door of opportunities.